Music & Recordings  


"Only The Best" - collection of advanced piano hymn arrangements by Nancy Muskrat. The collection features composition styles of the "classic" masters. Contents: All hail the power of Jesus name, Day by day, Grace greater than our sin; How great Thou art, it is well with my soul, Jesus loves even me, My faith has found a resting place, Glory medley: To God be the glory, My tribute. Published by Lillenas Publishing Company, Kansas City MO, this material is permanently out of print.


Blessings Unnumbered


"Blessings Unnumbered" - collection of piano hymn arrangements (medium to advanced difficulty) by Nancy Muskrat. Contents: A mighty fortress is our God, Blessings medley, God himself is with us, Great is Thy faithfulness, O Jesus, I have promised, Saved, saved, Sweet hour of prayer. Originally published by Genevox Music Group, Nashville, TN. Although this material is no longer in the Genevox catalog, copies are available for purchase directly from the Muskrats.

For details, contact bmuskrat (at)


"The Great Physician" - solo piano hymn arrangement (medium to advanced difficulty) by Nancy Muskrat. Originally published by Genevox Music Group, Nashville, TN. Although this material is no longer in the Genevox catalog, copies are available for purchase directly from the Muskrats.

For details, contact bmuskrat (at)   

"Create in Me" - anthem based on Psalm 51,written by Bruce & Nancy Muskrat - Originally published in 1977 by Concordia Press for SATB choir and subsequently arranged for SAB by Thomas Pearce. These items are no longer listed in Concordia's catalog. The original SATB version of this anthem is now available for purchase directly from J. W. Pepper.


Textual Concordance (in Spanish) of Himnario Bautista  and Himnario de Alabanza Evang lica . 235 pages with title and hymn tune indexes permitting use with any other Spanish hymnal. Available in PDF format (533 kb) at no cost.




 blue-street-mailbox.gif (1973 bytes) bmuskrat (at)  
      rev. 03-Feb-2021