la página de Nancy
(Como pueden ver, me gustan los pensamientos)
flores que se llaman "pensamientos" también
representan "los pensamientos" de las personas. Muchas
veces me imaginaba que cuando Dios estaba diseñando esa flor tan
delicada, Él ciertamente estaba pensando en nosotros y cómo Él
podría deleitarnos con sus colores tan hermosos y variados.
Los pétalos tan suaves y frágiles de los pensamientos reflejan
el cuidado tan tierno de nuestro Padre celestial y como Él se
interesa por cada detalle de nuestras vidas. Uno de los textos
bíblicos preferidos míos viene del Salmo 139:17 que dice: "¡Cuán
preciosos, oh Dios, me son tus pensamientos! ¡Cuán inmensa es la
suma de ellos!" Cuando yo era muy pequeña siempre pensaba
que las flores "pensamientos" tenían caras y que se
sonreían de mí. Una sonrisa . . .¡Qué manera maravillosa
Dios nos ha dado para mostrar a otras personas que estamos
pensando en ellos! A veces una sonrisa, o una palabra dicha, o una
carta escrita que comunica a una persona que estás pensando en
ella pueda transformar su día. ¿Por qué no mandas a alguien un
"pensamiento" hoy?
you can see from my picture above, I am a musician who loves to
play the piano and violin, write music, and sing. However,
my specialty has been the piano. I began studying the piano when I was five years old
under the loving and caring guidance of a dear lady, Mary Helen
Harutun, who became like a second mother to me. Mary Helen
celebrated her 95th birthday in June of this year. Bruce and I
were able to attend her birthday celebration and play at the
reception. Although many years have passed and we are separated by
many miles, Mary Helen continues to be a inspiration to
our lives, not only in a musical sense, but in a spiritual
sense as
I had the wonderful privilege of
doing my undergraduate and graduate studies in piano performance
at Texas Christian University with the acclaimed artist and
Viennese School specialist, Madame Lili Kraus. Her love for
getting inside the music and her inspiration that came from God
taught me so much more than just perfecting my skill. I will never
forget what she told me that "playing the piano required
faith in God, faith in the music, and faith in yourself."
When I told her that Bruce and I would be leaving for Buenos
Aires, Argentina to be missionaries she wanted to know how she
could be a missionary too! In many ways, during the years that she
was alive and traveled all over the world giving concerts, she was
a missionary as she gave God thanks for all He had done in her
life. Praise
the Lord with the harp, make music to him on the ten-stringed lyre.
Sing to Him a new song, play skillfully, and shout for joy.
Psalm 33: 2-3 |
What is
my passion? . . . not pansies, nor piano . . . but to pursue
Christ, to worship and obey Him, and to use my musical gifts to
bring glory to His name. I have felt the hand of God on my life
since I was very small. I was privileged to grow up in a Christian
home with parents who took me to Sunday School and church every
week. As an 8-year-old, I realized that Christ had died on the
cross for my sin as well as for the sin of the world. I
trusted Jesus to be my personal Savior and was baptized soon
afterwards in obedience to His Word. Throughout all these years I
have believed that God has had a plan for my life since the day I
was born. Every day is an adventure to see where God will lead me
and how He will use me to fulfill His purposes and His greater
plan. I believe that every person He has put in my path has been a
part of that plan. It is my prayer that I too can be someone
whom God puts in the path of another person that will help them
draw near to Him and worship Him.
What is
important to me besides God and music? . . . people! God is
all about love . . . and love is all about relationship, with Him
and with others. I have been so blessed by the people that God has
put in my life: from my parents, husband, children, extended
family, friends, teachers, colleagues, missionary family . . . to
the people I have met from the States and all the way to South
America. It takes time and effort to establish relationships, but
it is well worth it because you receive so much more than you
give. My life has been so enriched by the people I have met and
have come to know. That's not to say that I have to be around
people all the time. Times of solitude and times alone with God
are an important part of my life, but our lives would be very
empty if we did not have others to share it with. One of our
dearest friends who lives in Ft. Worth, Texas, once was teaching a
Sunday School lesson on "Treasures in Heaven" (Matthew
6). He commented that the "treasures" that we will take
to heaven with us will be the relationships that we have formed
here on the earth, and those who have also placed their faith in
God. If you have relationships with others here on earth who have
not yet received Christ's salvation, wouldn't you desire for them
to be one of your "heavenly treasures" as well? |

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nancymuskrat (at) gmail.com
rev. 10-Sep-2006