" . . . only our best is a worthy offering to
Nancy Muskrat
 | A new CD collection of eight hymn arrangements for piano written and
performed by Nancy Muskrat that will inspire you to give
your best in worship during your quiet moments with God. |
 | Nancy Muskrat is professor of music and worship in the International
Baptist Theological Seminary, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Since 1977 she
and her husband Bruce serve as missionaries of the SBC International
Mission Board through the Argentina
Baptist Mission. The Muskrats have given church music conferences and
vocal, choral, and instrumental workshops in the United States, Costa
Rica, Chile, Paraguay, and in many parts of Argentina. Both are
pianists and have been presented in a number of two-piano recitals. |
 | Copies of the CD are available for $10.00 each. For mail orders, add
$2.00 for shipping and handling. |
 | The printed musical score of Only the Best
published under the same title by Lillenas Publishing Company,
Kansas City, Missouri (MB-692) and may be purchased and/or requested
through your local Christian book store. |


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Best" CD ($10.00 plus $2.00 shipping/handling)
Name: _____________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________
Total enclosed: __________________
You may print out this page, detach the order form and mail with a
check payable to "Muskrat Trax Ministries":
Muskrat Trax Ministries
6824 Coldwater Canyon Road
Fort Worth TX 76132-3556