[go to 2001]
2000 -
December 17, Fort Worth, TX: Bruce and Nancy share the morning
message at East Meadows Baptist Church.
December 11, Waco, TX: Andy's Concert Choir presents a Christmas
choral program at McLennan Community College.
December 10, Fort Worth, TX: Bruce and Nancy present a 2-piano
Christmas program at East Meadows Baptist Church.
December 8, Waco, TX: Bruce and Nancy speak at Columbus Avenue
Baptist Church in Waco, TX for the missionary luncheon.
December 6, Fort Worth, TX: Bruce and Nancy present a 2-piano
Christmas program at Western Hills Baptist Church (6 p.m.)
December 1, Waco, TX: Amy's Concert Choir participates in the
combined Christmas choral program at Baylor University.
October 8-12, Waco, TX: Bruce and Nancy participated in the
MEW (Missions Emphasis Week) sponsored by Baylor University's Baptist Student
Ministries. The Muskrats had opportunities to share about their work in
Argentina, particularly as it relates to using music. They also spoke in a
number of Spanish classes and dialogued with students and faculty in a number of
scheduled activities through the week.
8, Huntsville, TX: During the Muskrat family's stateside assignment (that
began June 15) Danny married Sara Phillips, in Huntsville, Texas
on July 8. Both Sara and Danny are students at Baylor University.
June 3, Buenos Aires: Twins Amy and Andy graduated from high school on Saturday, June 3 in Buenos Aires. They
travelled to the States the next week to visit their brother and future
sister-in-law. Another item on their agenda was to acquire a driver's
April 16, Santa Cruz, Bolivia: Andy flew with 10 other
MK's to Bolivia for the WSA region-wide MK retreat. The retreat is scheduled
once every three to four years to allow all high school-age MK's in the region
the opportunity to attend. Due to an illness, Amy was not able to travel.
April 1, Salta, Argentina: Amy and Andy flew with their high school
concrt choir to Argentina's northwesternmost provinces of Jujuy and Salta for a
four-day tour. Nancy was invited to participate in the choir tour as one of the
parental chaperones.
March 31, Quito, Ecuador: Bruce was in Quito, Ecuador for a week-long conference/retreat with the other Administrative
Coordinators and Strategy Coordinators from all over the WSA (Western South America)
including Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, and Peru). The conference included sessions
on interpersonal skills, family priorities, leadership skills, teaming issues, and general
administrative topics such as operational guidelines and budgeting issues.
March 25, Buenos Aires: The Villa Mitre congregation officially
constituted as a church, becoming the newest church to organize in the city of
Buenos Aires. It will also be the newest church to affiliate with the Argentine
Baptist Convention in its biennial meeting in the city of Santa Fe on May 1.